Learning occurs most effectively when the material is taught through one medium. Keeping this in mind, one of the goals for this workshop was to engage students through the use of a variety of teaching techniques. The material was presented through lectures, videos, and live demonstrations to accommodate students' wide variety of learning styles. Explore our workshop at a glace by taking a look at some of the resources and activities presented throughout the semester.
To introduce students to the idea of "fast fashion" and why it is detrimental to the environment we watched an episode of Hasan Minhaj's "Patriot Act"
The topics that we discussed were centered around the themes of sustainability and self-expression. Integral to the we express ourselves are the culture(s) are the cultures we belong to. To encourage self-reflection and identification with one's values, we discussed culture and what it means to us. We first presented the slides to the right and then engaged in a class discussion.
After the switch to online learning, activities were key for the delivery of content and hands-on learning. The connection between music and the fashion industry served as a topic for one week. Students were asked to listen to one of the displayed songs and to design an outfit that they would wear if cast for the music video. The exercise was meant to help students think creatively about the process of design so that they could incorporate the same steps into the creation of their final projects
Design by Maitri
Design by Angie
Design by Erin

Click to see how one student incorporated what he learned into his final project.